Bice Ulmetti

Bice Ulmetti was born in Vignola and completed her studies at the Venturi Art Institute in Modena. Ulmetti's fundamental choice, both on a human and artistic level, is to contrast himself with the society of our time, of technology, of "black and white" cities and homes, of enormous piles of waste and orderly organized scrapping, instead making the world of nature speak through his painting. Ulmetti is part of the Modena Artists' Club.

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The artist maintains particular attention to portraits, to the human figure (hippy family, exotic nudes, Eden...) and there is even a still life, of traditional layout, with shells and fruit. But Bice's true passion is the splendor of the vegetation, flowers and gardens that he also picks during his many trips abroad. The artist knows how to bring the wonders of nature to life, reclaiming the idyllic feeling, the effects of prolonged amazement that a pine forest, a garden, brooms, dahlias, magnolias, peonies are able to express. The color is bright as if Ulmetti wanted to participate in the vital rhythm of nature.

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